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Chiropractic Treatment

Restoring the function of muscles and joints

What is Chiropractic Treatment?

Veterinary Chiropractic treatment is a manual therapy, aimed at retsoring function of muscles and joints to maintain optimum movement and soundness. It is concsidered a form of alternative medicine.  It focuses on the biomechanical dysfunction of the spine and its effects on the entire nervous system throughout the body. Veterinary Chiropractic treatment does not replace traditional veterinary medicine; however, it can provide additional means for diagnosis and treatment of spinal problems and musculoskeletal disorders.

What does a chiropractor feel for when assessing your horse?


During a chiropractic consultation, the posture and gait of your animal is assessed, followed by a thorough palpation of the horse’s spine and body. A healthy animal should move symmetrically and bend in all directions without tension. Even though horses have a very large, thick muscle mass over the spine, the vertebral joints are flexible and relatively easy to manipulate with minimal force. An animal showing tension, pain, muscle imbalance or asymmetry, will likely have restricted vertebral joints as an underlying problem.

How does a chiropractic adjustment work?

When a chiropractor identifies a problem, they will aim to correct the restriction and to restore normal mobility to the joints. Realignment is made via a quick, short thrust along the plane of the joint. This is called an adjustment. The adjustment is done by placing the hands directly on the affected joint. Chiropractic manipulation is not painful and the majority of the time no sedation is required!

When is Chiropractic useful?

Chiropractic treatment helps any horse to move more freely and symmetrically. It prevents wear and tear and will promote long term health. Hence treatment is suitable for horses of all breeds and ages. Performance horses will need the most frequent treatments due to the regular stress on their bodies. Veteran and leisure horses may be fine with just annual routine check ups.

We now have Simon and Emily qualified to provide veterinary chiropractic treatment.

To book, a chiropractic appointment or to find out more about chiropractic treatments, please ring the office on 01903 883 050.

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