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Racehorse Care

We provide daily routine yard visits to assist trainers

Racehorse care is provided by a team of experienced ambulatory vets and the full services offered by the hospital.

Daily routine yard visits assist trainers in managing the horses in training, in terms of lameness, respiratory health and all other aspects of racehorse medicine that can affect racing performance.


The laboratory at the hospital allows bloods for pre-racing profiles to be analysed quickly.


Ambulatory diagnostic services that can be carried out at your yard include:


Our fully equipped hospital facilities can provide further diagnostics if required including:

We also provide veterinary services at four race tracks: Goodwood, Brighton, Fontwell Park and Plumpton racecourses. The team of vets are appropriately experienced and have Racecourse Casualty Management Certification to provide first aid cover. We also provide veterinary services for local Point to Point meetings.

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