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Vettings (PPE's)

Pre-Purchase Examinations (PPE’s) or Vettings

Pre-Purchase Examinations (PPE’s) or vettings are made up of either a 2 stage or a 5 stage inspection on behalf of a prospective purchaser. As a practice, we recommend that a blood sample (in case of dispute after purchase the sample can be analysed for medication) is taken at the time of the examination and sent for storage even if you have opted for a 2 stage examination.

The vets at Sussex Equine Hospital regularly perform pre-purchase (vetting) examinations throughout the UK and Europe, as well as within the practice catchment area. We are also able to carry out vettings at the hospital if required. Some insurance companies request a full set of x-rays, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations or you may wish to have these done for your own piece of mind. We are happy to perform any of these as required.


If you would like to arrange a PPE, complete our online form and one of our reception team will call you back to book in a convenient time and confirm the details provided.

Request a PPE

For further information on PPE’s, please follow the link below:

Guide to PPE's (Vettings)

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